A* Pathfinding Algorithm 2D Map Visualization Tool

3 min read


This tool is an interactive 2D map visualizer for the A* pathfinding algorithm. It allows users to visualize the A* pathfinding process on a custom 2D grid map, add custom paths, and observe path animations in real-time.

Visualization Tool

Below is the actual interface of the A* pathfinding algorithm 2D map visualization tool. You can interact with it directly and try out its features:

A* Pathfinding Map Visualizer

0: Empty (walk)
1: Spawn
2: Occupation
3: Obstacle
4: Building
Map size: 50x50

Interface Overview

The tool interface is divided into two main tabs:

  • Visualization: Displays the map grid and control panel
  • Source Code: Allows editing of map data

Visualization Interface

The visualization interface includes the following main components:

  • 2D grid map
  • Animation speed control
  • Path input
  • Path list

Source Code Interface

The source code interface allows you to directly edit the map's JSON data

User Guide

Viewing the Map

When you open the tool, you'll see a 2D grid map. Different colors represent different types of terrain:

  • Gray: Empty space (walkable)
  • Red: Spawn point
  • Green: Capture zone
  • Blue: Obstacle
  • Yellow: Building

Hover over the grid to view specific coordinates.

Adding Paths

There are three ways to add paths:

  1. Manual coordinate input:

    • Enter coordinates in the "Enter path coordinates" input box, format: "(x1,y1) -> (x2,y2) -> ..."
    • Click the "Add Path" button to add the path
  2. Using A* algorithm:

    • Enter start coordinates in the "Start" input box, format: "(x,y)"
    • Enter end coordinates in the "End" input box, format: "(x,y)"
    • Click the "Find A* Path" button to generate the path
  3. Random path generation:

    • Click the button with the random icon, and the system will automatically generate a random path

Managing Paths

In the "Added Paths" list, you can:

  • Toggle path visibility (eye icon)
  • Toggle between full path display (map/route icon)
  • Delete paths (trash bin icon)

Adjusting Animation Speed

Use the "Animation Speed" slider to adjust the speed of path animations.

Editing Map Data

  1. Switch to the "Source Code" tab
  2. Edit the JSON data in the text box
  3. The system will automatically parse and update the map

Note: The JSON data should be either a 2D array or an object with a "map" property containing a 2D array.


This A* pathfinding algorithm 2D map visualization tool is primarily designed for testing and visualizing path planning strategies. Through practice and exploration, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the A* algorithm works and how it performs in various situations.

We hope this user guide helps you make the most of all the tool's features. Happy exploring!