A* Pathfinding Algorithm 2D Map Visualization Tool
This tool is an interactive 2D map visualizer for the A* pathfinding algorithm. It allows users to visualize the A* pathfinding process on a custom 2D grid map, add custom paths, and observe path animations in real-time.
Visualization Tool
Below is the actual interface of the A* pathfinding algorithm 2D map visualization tool. You can interact with it directly and try out its features:
A* Pathfinding Map Visualizer
Interface Overview
The tool interface is divided into two main tabs:
- Visualization: Displays the map grid and control panel
- Source Code: Allows editing of map data
Visualization Interface
The visualization interface includes the following main components:
- 2D grid map
- Animation speed control
- Path input
- Path list
Source Code Interface
The source code interface allows you to directly edit the map's JSON data
User Guide
Viewing the Map
When you open the tool, you'll see a 2D grid map. Different colors represent different types of terrain:
- Gray: Empty space (walkable)
- Red: Spawn point
- Green: Capture zone
- Blue: Obstacle
- Yellow: Building
Hover over the grid to view specific coordinates.
Adding Paths
There are three ways to add paths:
Manual coordinate input:
- Enter coordinates in the "Enter path coordinates" input box, format: "(x1,y1) -> (x2,y2) -> ..."
- Click the "Add Path" button to add the path
Using A* algorithm:
- Enter start coordinates in the "Start" input box, format: "(x,y)"
- Enter end coordinates in the "End" input box, format: "(x,y)"
- Click the "Find A* Path" button to generate the path
Random path generation:
- Click the button with the random icon, and the system will automatically generate a random path
Managing Paths
In the "Added Paths" list, you can:
- Toggle path visibility (eye icon)
- Toggle between full path display (map/route icon)
- Delete paths (trash bin icon)
Adjusting Animation Speed
Use the "Animation Speed" slider to adjust the speed of path animations.
Editing Map Data
- Switch to the "Source Code" tab
- Edit the JSON data in the text box
- The system will automatically parse and update the map
Note: The JSON data should be either a 2D array or an object with a "map" property containing a 2D array.
This A* pathfinding algorithm 2D map visualization tool is primarily designed for testing and visualizing path planning strategies. Through practice and exploration, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the A* algorithm works and how it performs in various situations.
We hope this user guide helps you make the most of all the tool's features. Happy exploring!